Saturday, August 10, 2013

Baby Hoosier :: 7 Weeks

This week, Baby is the size of a: blueberry
Total weight gain/loss: -6 pounds thus far (boo! morning sickness)
Sleep: I've started having some weird dreams lately, which disrupt sleep slightly...odd. But, 20 minute power naps keep me going through the day.

Best moment this week: We had a six week sonogram on Friday June 18th. Baby measured in at 6 1/2 weeks - and we heard his/her heartbeat!! It was simply amazing! The heart is beating at 119 beats per minute. 
We told my siblings about the baby this week! Jordan was staying with us and instantly wanted to watch Father of the Bride 2. Zach was a dean at camp, and just kept repeating that he was "on cloud nine!" Lauren was super excited and is already working on planning for her first trip to meet the baby next spring. 

We told Matt and Heather, Cole's brother and his wife, by asking their son if he's ready to have a cousin to play with in Kansas City in February. He didn't really have anything to say (at 10 months) but his parents were so excited. 

Movement: none yet...can't wait!
Food cravings: still just aversions. sour candy is usually pretty good at calming the tummy, though. Cole went to Walmart to pick up some rice cakes and sour candy for me....he bought one of every sour candy he could find that was gluten free....LOVE that boy! 
Symptoms: morning sickness, day sickness, night sickness....only in pregnancy does lots of throwing up = healthy baby; we are praising God for a healthy baby! The doctor prescribed medication to decrease nausea as I was becoming very dehydrated. It has helped so much in the last two days and I am feeling much better with some nutrients and LIQUID in my system!
Belly Button in or out: in, hopefully for a while!
Milestones: Baby is working on growing arms and legs. As well as the sensory organs - honestly baby is growing so fast and in so many ways each week that it's hard to even keep track! 

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