Monday, April 27, 2015

Our Week :: 4/20 - 4/26

Meghan LOVES helping with laundry. She likes to push her laundry basket down the hall and load it into the washing machine. Here is a video Cole took of the process. She was more distracted than usual this day, but wow, is this love of the laundry adorable!! 

Meghan has been loving playing with her toy bus during the last week. She rarely ever puts people in, it's typically her beloved bracelets that are riding around on the floor! 

She's also working on getting some new teeth - there is almost always a toy or teether of some type just hanging out of her mouth! The zebra looks particularly funny!

She can identify her hair, her teeth, and her shirt. Once the video camera was out, hair was the only one I could get her to show!

She's also been obsessed with wearing the apron that her Mimsie made her for her kitchen ALL. THE. TIME. I get it brought to me on a pretty regular basis along with the sign "please." To say she loves it would be an understatement!!

Intensity is the perfect word for this girl - everything is done with intensity. 

She gets to watch a little bit of a movie while drinking her milk in the evening (out of a big girl cup!! not a baby bottle!!). This night, she turned Daddy into a recliner when she was done!

This was just a fun clip of Meghan enjoying the neighbor's dog. He is a gentle giant and she just thinks he is awesome!!

And, this week we found out some exciting news, in case you missed it: 

Miss Meghan is going to be a big sister right around the new year!! 

(Three weren't a whole lot of pictures this last week, she hasn't been feeling very well, so there's been a lot of cuddling! She's still not feeling well today - but I'm hoping she will be back to her happy-go-lucky self soon!!)

Baby Hoosier 2 :: 4 Weeks

This week, Baby is the size of a: poppy seed
Total weight gain/loss: ??
Sleep: sometimes I'm very tired; needing to go to the bathroom and being hungry have already started to wake me up! 

Best moment this week: Finding out (Thursday) that we are expecting this little one! And then, reading back through my posts like this with Meghan's pregnancy and reminiscing over the gallon of pickles and the constant NEED to drink pickle juice. And being amazed by how long my favorite foods were vinegar potato chips and mint ice cream. I'm looking forward to comparing this baby's pregnancy with hers.
Movement: Nope.
Food cravings: pickles (yup, again!), water
Symptoms: bloating, tired, mild nausea (if I wear elastic waist pants this improves some)
Belly Button in or out: in, hopefully for quite a while still
Milestones: We're pregnant! That's a pretty big milestone! 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

A Miracle, A Blessing, AGAIN!

I had heard the story about a million times in the last two years. After hearing about our journey through infertility in order to conceive Meghan it seemed everyone had a story about how they "have a friend who has a friend" or "have an uncle whose sister's brother-in-law's cousin" had PCOS and after having their first baby, everything just worked. They have 6,000 perfect children now and they never needed infertility treatment again. I may have exaggerated a little bit there - but that's what it felt like I was hearing. And that's what I dreamed of.

And that was not God's plan.

We wanted to have our children close together. Fertility decreases with age. We plan to homeschool, and I want my students close in age. If I'm going to be washing diapers every other day, it might as well be a huge load. We had reasons......

And we tried to give Meghan a sibling. I prayed and hoped and dreamed that we would be able to do it without meds. That we would be one of those families where it just worked. And it didn't happen.

In March, after yet another negative pregnancy test, I called the infertility clinic and said I wanted to come in and discuss options. I dropped Meghan off at a friend's house to play, drove to the clinic, and listened to the radio.....the song that was my constant challenge while waiting for Meghan played. The line "You are God, You are God, of all else I'm letting go" came and the tears flowed (as they have done many times while singing - often more like trying to force my heart to voice - this lyric). I like my plans. I had prayed about this plan, felt that God supported it, and yet felt like He wasn't coming through like I wanted him to.

Oh how slow I am to learn sometimes.....

I felt defeated. What hadn't I done right? Why hadn't my fertility just been corrected in the act of giving birth? Why were we back here? Will I be given children close in age?

Will I be given another child at all?

Turns out, the timing was right for me to start taking Clomid that day. I noticed this time that I was very foggy and tired on the Clomid. It wasn't fun. Nine days later, I was back in the office for an ultrasound. Once again the confirmation that I have severe PCOS. BUT, once again the confirmation that I had an egg waiting to be released! Got my trigger shot, my handshake, my good luck, and headed for home.

Two weeks later - no less trepidation than when I took the pregnancy test to tell us Meghan was coming. While the other negative pregnancy tests had been hard to see; there seemed to be so much more pressure with this one. I took the test and the faintest positive line showed up. Faint enough that I wasn't sure. So, at 5:45, I drove to Walmart in my pajamas (I NEVER go out in public - even Walmart - in my pajamas!) and bought another test. Again, a faint positive - though much darker than the first. I had Cole look at it and he confirmed what I saw. Could it be? Could we be pregnant?

I tried not to get my hopes up.

I went in for a blood pregnancy test at 9:15 in the morning. Then I went to Bible study and tried to pretend everything was normal - all I wanted to do was cry. Meghan had a hard time separating for me and that just compounded my intense need to just cry. That's one thing that still hasn't changed about me - I am a total stress crier. We came home from Bible study, I fed Meghan, she took a nap, she got up and had snack, we played phone call. Minutes before the clinic's closing time I called to see if they had results. Not yet. By the end of tomorrow for sure.

Didn't they know I'm a stress migrainer and a stress crier?

About 10 minutes later I got a phone call - the infertility clinic - my heart was pounding and I felt like I could not breathe. And the words "Congratulations! You are pregnant! This test looks great!" Tears. Tears. Tears. So much happy!

In that moment all of the heartbreak and disappointment of not being able to do it ourselves, of having to seek medical treatment, of having to involve a team of doctors into such a personal part of our lives again was gone.....upon hearing that our sweet baby is active and growing inside of my body, it didn't matter how he or she got there. Our baby is there. God has once again blessed us with a child!!

And He's once again confirmed in my heart what he confirmed when we found out we were expecting our dear, sweet Meghan. I cannot say it any better than I did about two years ago, so I share it again.....

"It's a miracle how God can take a desperately broken body and form within it a new life.

But that's what he did in us through Christ, isn't it?

I've always been the type of person who imagined God seeing all the sin in my life and being constantly disgusted with me; and I have to constantly preach the gospel to myself - that God sees Christ when he looks at me. That he worked a miracle in my desperately broken and defective soul when he created new life in me through Christ. That I am a new creation!

So this baby, while it may never know what a profound effect its existence has in its Mama's heart, will forever be in our lives a testimony to the redeeming work that Christ did on the cross. This baby will forever be a tangible reminder of the gospel - that God can take something so broken, like a sinful human soul, and create a beautiful new life."


We are sharing our story at only 4 weeks pregnant - just days after finding out. This baby is a miracle, a precious gift, and we can't not celebrate his or her existence with our family and friends! And.....if this pregnancy is anything like the last one, there will be LOTS of sickness in the next 36 weeks and I don't think that we will be able to hide how much that affects our family as we were last time....having a toddler and all :) As with last time, every vomiting episode will merely serve as a reminder that God is protecting this little one with lots of healthy pregnancy hormones!


If you're interested in the back story of my infertility and the story of Meghan, click here to read God's miraculous working two years ago!!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Meghan @ 14 Months

Fine Motor: 
  • She is getting better at the shape sorter - it's not independent yet. 
  • She stacks 5 one-inch blocks to make a tower. 
  • She can put 2-3 mega bloks together. 
  • She can do a four shape "ring stacker". 
  • She puts items into individual muffin cups.
  • She continues to LOVE transferring.
  • She enjoys lining up her bracelets against the glass door.
  • She stacks blocks that make a ball drop and drops the ball through the top hole. She experiments with other balls to see if they will fit.
  • She loves giving high fives!
Gross Motor:
  • She can take up to 9 steps independently. She still prefers crawling. 
  • She walks and jumps on her knees.
  • She loves to stand in her learning tower in the kitchen while I cook. 
  • She loves (and is quick) about climbing the stairs. 
  • If you put her at the top of a slide, she will lean forward until she starts sliding - she loves that!
  • Words (15): wow, yum, ah (all done), hat, eat, uh-oh, boo
    • From Before: ball, bye-bye, hi, mom/mama, baba (Dad), book, baby, bottle
  • Sounds (7): a sniffing sound for rabbit's sound, "mmm" while eating, "wah" for duck's sound, "mah" for sheep's sound
    • From Before: "oof" for a dog's sound, "boo" for a cow's sound, "vmmm" for cars
  • Signs (11): hat, no, yes, eat, diaper, wash, phone, please
    • From Before: all done, more, milk
  • She is still taking 1-2 bottles per day. She is drinking 1-2 bottles worth of milk out of a water bottle instead of her baby bottles!!
  • She still loves drinking out of her water bottle. 
  • She was an excellent eater almost the entire month!! 
  • She has added an afternoon snack since giving up the 4th bottle and that works really well. 
  • She is able to bite food off with her front teeth and LOVES biting!!
  • Favorites this month: pepperoni, raisins, broccoli, oatmeal, egg casserole
  • She wakes up between 6:30-7:00. 
  • She takes a rest from 8:45-9:30. 
  • She takes an afternoon nap for 2-3 hours starting at 12:00.
  • She goes to bed around 7:00.
Other Updates:
  • She thinks it is HILARIOUS to crawl away from us when we are doing a diaper change, getting ready for a bottle, getting ready to read a book, etc. She will giggle as she starts crawling away and just laugh and laugh when we pick her up! 
  • She is becoming very obedient. Usually when she is doing something she shouldn't, if I say her name and "no no" she will stop. I hope this continues!! 
  • She loves to push her laundry basket down the hallway and then load her clothes into the washing machine. She thinks it is great fun!
  • She has begun demonstrating stranger anxiety again - she has been having a hard time leaving Mama for Bible study or doctor's appointments this month. She still loves talking to people in public as long as mama is nearby, visible, and smiling. 
  • We started practicing "room time" this month. I put her in her room with some favorite toys, turn on her cd player, tell her it's room time, and she will almost always stay in her room until I come back for her (usually 15-20 minutes). This gives me enough time to get ready or do a few upstairs chores while knowing she is safe. However, if I don't put music on, she won't stay! She definitely associates it with the expectation that she stays in her room.
  • She loves to bring us books while we are sitting on the couch and having us pick her up to read. When we are done reading, she gets down, gets another book, and repeats the whole process! 

Meghan's Week :: 3/13-3/19

Meghan has been obsessed recently with pulling things out of the recycling box and and tearing them up. It's so cute the way that she stands on her tippy-toes in order to reach in!

She has also been enjoying roughhousing with Daddy in the evenings. We captured this video this week that also captures her ecstatic little squeals of delight.

She loves the vacuum cleaner! This last week when I was done vacuuming, Meghan played with the vacuum cleaner for about an hour! I found that they make an identical small version that actually sucks - its on my list of potential gifts for her next Christmas :) 

We tried a new waffle recipe this week - it was Meghan approved!! 

This morning I got some pictures of little miss in her church dress. She was so cute! 

We painted her nails in our spare time!! (We were ready for church early!!)

She showed off her newest sign - please!!

Then she was just being silly -- this is her new favorite silly smile!! We just love it!! (You are starting to be able to see her top teeth under her lip tie now!!) 

Pretty smile!!! 

She thought it was so funny this evening when I put both her water bottle and her milk bottle in front of her on the counter (In related news, she now only takes one bottle out of a baby bottle these days - the rest of the day she effectively drinks all of her milk out of a Contigo water bottle - this is such an awesome development for our little oral-motor-challenged little bit!!)

While she was in her learning tower and mama was working on dinner, Daddy was playing peek-a-boo with her. We got some video of her current laugh - we just can't help but laugh when she laughs!!

She was playing with her eggs that she got from Great-Aunt Nancy and Great-Uncle Geoff tonight and started holding one of the shells in her mouth like this - she looked like a little bird :) 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Meghan's Week 3/6-3/12

Meghan is getting harder and harder to photograph as she is becoming more and more independent and more and more focused on her play. So, for the most part, I think I am going to switch to a weekly post of pictures and activities for her week. Except for posed picture sessions, times where I get tons of pictures of her, or special events, I think this will be a better way to share all of the pictures from this little girl's life!

It is a very rare occurrence (she's so busy!) - but Miss Meghan has been feeling a bit "off" recently and was cuddling with Daddy in the morning before he left for work.

Mama and Meghan went to the thrift store - we found a big book of animals (she loves these!) and a HUGE touch and feel book all about cats and dogs. The cover of the second book has a dog and a ball on it - two of her favorite things - and all through the store she was shouting "ball" and "oof". We definitely made people smile :) 

Meghan has been eating really, really well the last two weeks! (I feel the need to knock on wood - the few weeks before had been rough!) I love her new habit of crossing her feet under her tray! She either does this or hangs her toes from the edge of the tray. 

What any adult wouldn't do for those ab muscles - this girl will just lay on the floor with her legs up in the air for 10-20 minutes at times! 

We had a little bit of extra time before church, so I tried to take some pictures of her in her cute dress. She wasn't very interested in it, but I love how it shows her hair curling out on both sides - so cute!!

She was much more interested in playing with the lawn mower than taking pictures. 

Daddy was working outside in the afternoon digging for some new sprinkler heads. Since we have gotten so much rain in the last week it was too wet for her to play in the grass, so she sat inside and talked, smiled, cheered, and waved at him! 

Later in the afternoon, Meghan and I went outside to do some work in the gardens. Gardening with her made me reflect back to a year ago when I was gardening with her - she was curled up in a little ball wrapped onto my chest in the K'Tan. This year she is on my back - talking and wiggling - and so very big! 

(May 14, 2014)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter 2015

And in case you're interested, here's what we put in Meghan's basket....


Meghan loves strong flavors! She has recently taken to eating tortilla chips with Daddy after dinner - last night he put salsa on it in increasing amounts as she continued to ask for more. This time he put a bit of the jalepeno on her chip....she LOVED it!!

(This was during the bite transfer, not a true reflection of her feelings!)

Busy Book

Last night we showed Meghan her busy book thus far...she fell in love! It made me feel so good to see her enjoying something I have been working so hard on making her. She kept looking through the pages, saying "ohhhh", and enjoying touching and manipulating the things on the pages.

(Love those dimpled little hands!!)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

More "Cooking"

Today I gave Meghan a ring of tablespoons/teaspoons to play with while I worked in the kitchen and she thoroughly enjoyed them!!

Videos - First Steps & Blowing Kisses

I apparently forgot to blog these two videos!

Meghan took her first steps on February 21st - she really hasn't shown any more interest since then.....crawling is just so fast!!

A few days later, I got a clip of her new favorite skill - blowing kisses!!

Bouncing Around

Most days, at least once between nap and bedtime this happens...the object changes, but she can be found rolling and giggling, and crawling, and being a silly goose!! She absolutely cracks me up when she does this!! 

In Her Learning Tower

Cole and I painted/built this learning tower for Meghan - she is LOVING it!! It allows her to see what is going on in the kitchen and has significantly decreased the amount of yelling that has been going on when we are in the kitchen and she can't see what's going on.

Here are some pictures from Tuesday morning when she was "helping" me make her crackers for her lunch later.