Saturday, May 31, 2014

Future Gamer

Meghan has figured out where the TV is. I put her on the floor facing away from it, but she is okay to arch her back in order to see what is happening. Today Daddy was watching a board game play thru and little miss was so interested that we had to put up a basket to block her view. Maybe we have a future little gamer on our hands?

Head Control & Sitting

She is developing amazing head control and starting to play with the idea of sitting.

If You Want To Cuddle Meghan...

If you want to cuddle with Meghan when she is ready to play....

first she will resist. If you get her to stop resisting....

she will play with your shirt. If you let her play with your shirt...

she will want to blow spit bubbles. If you let her blow spit bubbles...

she will leave a long drool trail. If she leaves a long drool trail....

she will want to lick it up. If you let her lick it up....

she will be very happy while licking your shoulder. If you let her happily lick your shoulder, she will realize she is almost cuddling with you during playtime and resist. :) 

The Monkey on My Carseat

Meghan discovered that there is a toy monkey hanging on her carseat - not only can she look at him, but she can play with him too. HOW COOL!!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Spit Bubbles & Raspberries

A little video of Daddy and Meghan playing - she's enjoying her new found ability to spit and blow raspberries - hopefully this will no longer be exciting in a few weeks when we start solids :)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Sassy Spinner ('s a favorite!)

She loves this spinner! Today she was kind of tired so she wasn't as engaged as she often is - but she is getting very good at spinning it herself!

Meghan's First Time in the Jumper

She's not quite ready for it, but I wanted to see what she would do in the jumper a few weeks early! She LOVED it!! I think she has motivation to work on sitting up better so she can spend more time in the jumper.

Thanks Uncle Travis and Aunt Lauren for this awesome toy!!

Also, check out that head control!

14 Weeks

I am 14 weeks old today (and so in love with this tongue!).
Mama is so proud of me...I slept from 9:30 pm until 5:00 am and then laid in my crib talking to my mobile for 30 minutes so she could wake up slowly. And, I (little miss "No thanks Mom, I don't need any milk today.") took a 6.5 ounce bottle for breakfast with no screaming, crying, or spitting out full mouthfuls of milk! Mama says I'm her little rockstar!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Big Developments

This little miss has had huge a skill burst in the last week! She is ticklish, has a developing little sense of humor, sings and talks all the time, is staying awake for longer periods of daytime play, and is able to reach for and grab toys that she wants to play with.

Monday, May 26, 2014


They are totally not a necessity - but I'm so glad that we have our monitor camera. How else would we know that she spent a good part of her nap sleeping like this?

Happy Memorial Day!

And, while I'm down here, might as well lick my arm a little bit...


Meghan was super tired and just chilling in her swing before bedtime. She has started enjoying putting her hands behind her head/playing with her ears. I think it's adorable!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Meghan Talking to Lambie

Answering Qustions

Meghan's Falling Asleep Process

If you put Meghan in the middle of her crib she will wiggle and scootch her way towards the end of the bed to sleep. After a short amount of wiggling, she is out cold!

Side Sleeping

Sometimes little miss stops mid-rollover and decided to sleep there. On this day she did it for a nap and again at bedtime....

Friday, May 23, 2014

Fine Motor Learning!

How did my arm get in that ring?

Spinning Fan

I turned the fan on...I think she had forgotten it could spin :)

Sucking Fingers

While she hasn't figured out getting a finger in and sucking it (ie - sucking her thumb) she has figured out how to get them to her mouth to suck on when she wants to.

Playing with Her Spinner

Meghan loves watching this spinner. She has recently begun figuring out how to make it spin on her own! 

Play Time with Zebra

Meghan does playpen time about 2 times a day for around 10 minutes. I leave her to play independently and just sit back and watch what she is learning to do. Today she was playing with Zebra - I am so amazed by her developing fine motor skills!

The Best Napping Place

Meghan seems to love napping in this particular corner of her crib - it doesn't matter where I lay her to start, she will wiggle and squirm to almost the exact same location and then promptly fall asleep :)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Meghan Singing at Bedtime

Meghan started singing when I put her down for a nap on May 20th - it's sooo cute!

Please ignore my awful in ability to carry a tune and the very repetitive nature of the song. Just enjoy my sweet sweet baby and her darling voice!

Meghan Chilling in the Pack-n-Play

Royals Girly

I think she looks a bit like her cousin Micah in the second picture - must be some strong Hoosier traits :) 


Meghan was overwhelmed by the playmat just a few weeks ago. I pulled it out again yesterday and she enjoyed playing under it. She accidentally hit the rattle, got very excited, and did it repeatedly!

Spinning and Stopping

Meghan has figured out how to spin and stop her wheel! She has a blast with this toy!

Good Morning, Sunshine!

We had to move the camera so we could still see into Meghan's bed with the railing all the way up - now we look straight down at her.

This morning, she woke up a bit before breakfast time rolled over and then laid in her bed playing with her bumper, watching her mobile, and kicking around until I came in to get her.

This pictures looks like she is saying "good morning!" to the world.

(PS - She only woke once last night! At 3:15 she took a 4 ounce bottle and went back to sleep immediately! I got a continuous six hour stretch of sleep which was awesome!)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Meghan has been working on grabbing for the last week. She is getting very very good. Today after her nap, she rolled to her back and entertained herself without crying in her crib for about 15 minutes just grabbing at the top of her bumper - she was doing great!

I am raising the side of her crib today - she is so mobile and I am concerned that with her super motor skills, she will figure out pulling up enough to flip out on the lowered side. It feels like there are a lot of major changes happening the past few weeks as she is gaining skills so quickly!

Crossed Ankles

A couple of nights ago, Meghan was sleeping with her ankles crossed - so cute!

Rolling Over Tummy to Back

Meghan started rolling over tummy to back on Friday night May 16th. She woke up in the middle of the night screaming - when I went in to feed her, she was laying there like a little turtle turned on it's shell. While she can roll back over to her tummy, she doesn't seem to remember how to fix the problem. We have been doing lots of flipping her back over mid-nap or in the night. She gets very mad when she rolls over!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

New Favorite Toy

We are very minimalistic about baby toys for Meghan - I believe children do best without an overwhelming amount of toys. We have purchased toys as we see that they might be something that she would be very interested in. We just purchased this sassy spinning wheel that will suction to her high chair tray. She loves it.

She studies it. She watches the colors spin. She even tries to spin it herself - sometimes she is successful.


Miss Meghan has been so independent recently. She wants to face out when she's being worn. Except on Tuesday - she was tired and could not seem to settle for a nap so I popped her in the k'tan. She cuddled in on my chest and stayed cuddled there for over an hour until Daddy was home and she went to cuddle with him.

I loved every minute of it - it seems that her willingness to cuddle is disappearing in exchange for learning and exploration of her world.

Uncle Travis

I think that Meghan may have wrapped Uncle Travis around her little finger....they seemed to like each other!

Monday, May 12, 2014

with Aunt Lauren

Meghan has been getting very good at making consistent eye contact with people.

Today she COULD NOT take her eyes off of Aunt Lauren.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

I LOVE Daddy!

Except, I'm not sure what to think when he pokes my nose.....

Friday, May 9, 2014

Little Mover!

When I started the diaper change, her bottom was at the bottom of the changing mat. Five minutes later....

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

First Family Dinner

Meghan joined us tonight for dinner. Since it was 30 minutes before her bedtime...she wasn't really too interested!

Happy Baby

I was scared that when we brought Meghan's swing that she used to sleep in out as a "play space" she might not like it....but she LOVES to swing! We now have the toy bar where she can see it, and she enjoys talking to and watching "Lambie."

The seat of the swing comes out to be a bouncy seat - she used to hate the bouncy seat and the vibrating that it did...she also loves that now too!

Playing with Zebra

Little miss is getting much more intentional about her play using her hands. Today she enjoyed playing with zebra for about 15 minutes....