Monday, January 4, 2016

Our Week :: December 29th - January 3

We got a good bit of snow and took Meghan outside to play in it. She was liked standing and looking at it, but was concerned with how "deep" it was which made it harder to walk. She happily sat and even laid in it, but would not voluntarily touch it with her hands. All-in-all, I think she was unimpressed with playing with the snow but has enjoyed pointing it out to me during the day and telling me about the "snow!" or the "white snow!"

She discovered that since she got a new, slightly bigger, purse for Christmas, she now has "two pew-ses!!" This is very exciting news and she has been carrying both around quite frequently. 

And her cheesy smile (which I just love!): 

The next day, she wore her necklaces, crown, and a purse while taking care of her babies.

New Year's Eve was our due date with our little one we lost in May. One of my friends came over with her girls to play in the morning and brought beautiful flowers and some chocolates. It was so thoughtful and very much appreciated to have our baby remembered! 

She opened her Schleich farm animals on New Year's Day and thoroughly enjoyed them! She knew right away that they were the right size to travel in her tractor!