Sunday, July 24, 2016

Our Week :: July 18 - 24

Meghan has been super into "school" the last week or two so there are lots of pictures of that this week - which is great timing because we've been under extreme heat advisories and I just don't feel comfortable taking her (and especially not Katie) out when it's this hot. So, we've stayed inside and done lots of puzzling, reading, art and free playing.

She enjoyed working on these three letter word puzzles. She has just been very into puzzles this week and these were a fun twist on your typical jigsaw puzzle. 

We set up the jumperoo to have another place to hang toys from so that Katie could play out in the playroom with sister. She has been getting very good at using her hands to grab a hold of hanging toys that she wants to play with. She has also been getting very vocal! (There's a video of her "talking" on my instagram feed!)

It's no secret that Katie is growing, growing, growing but comparing the eleven weeker we have now with her back at one week makes for a pretty incredible comparison! In only ten weeks that itty-bitty-newborn has disappeared and this happy, lively, energetic baby has appeared in her place.

Lacing cards are tough - but this girl is building her concentration and endurance while playing with them. She finds them fun despite their difficulty and a week of practicing with them has definitely showed much improvement.

Bathtime is a very, very favorite time around this house. And, now that I have figured out a method for doing bathtime with both girls in the afternoon so that they both get lots of playtime and Katie gets down for a nap (in the bathroom - it totally works!) when she is ready, we have taken to doing this at least 2-3 days a week. I would gladly do it with them everyday - it's so much fun - but dinner wouldn't get made consistently and these people expect to eat everyday.

I have been trying to actively involve Meghan in my cleaning - she enjoys working on real work and enjoys that "special" time with Mommy. So, I have been giving her cloths to clean with me too. This day, she hung her cloths up on the trampoline handle after "washing" them in her sink. She declared that she was hanging them to dry like Mommy does - and that's how I dry our clothes - outside on the line. She is watching all the time and always learning!

A picture of Katie cuteness, because.....I mean, look at this girl....

We got out the finger paints this week. It had been nearly a year since we had last used them, but Meghan is a messy-sensory-experience-avoider and hasn't been wanting to get her hands messy. But she had SO. MUCH. FUN. She made a "tomato bush in the sky." So much creativity in this little mind!!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Our Week :: July 11-17

Costco had awesome sales this month on several things that we use frequently and/or were running low on. The poor UPS man - this was what arrived the first of two days of shipments. Meghan loves when bulk boxes come, so I snapped a picture with all of the things that came. Then she set to work trying to open all of the boxes for me while I fed Katie a bottle. She was able to get several of them open - while it doesn't save me tons of time, it was a helpful accomplishment! 

Meghan loves stickers. This week I introduced her to re-positional stickers and she was in love. It's so great to her that they can be moved around and that she can use her favorites over and over again.

Katie is a super happy baby almost all of the time. She was being super smiley on Tuesday and so I pulled out the camera - check out these sweet smiles as she turned 10 weeks old (how are we already in double digits?!?). She is so much cuteness and so much chub!

Some pictures from school with Meghan this week. She thoroughly enjoyed matching the "mama" animals to the baby animals on her animal puzzles. Then she spelled her first word independently! She said "Mommy! Look! Meghan maked Sam!" - Sam is the main character in her current very very favorite book - Sam and the firefly. I was so excited for her - it's not something I've been pushing with her at all but it's been fun to see her slowly making the connections herself!

We ordered a garden cart for toting around dirt and mulch and other such things (perhaps even produce on some good days!). Meghan enjoyed riding around in it in the house before we took it outside, though! 

We went peach picking in our backyard today - a few are ready every few days and we have been loving eating them up! Meghan was so proud of the peach that she picked - she loves fresh peaches! She thoroughly enjoyed chomping on peaches for afternoon snack and with her dinner. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Our Week :: July 1-10, 2016

Katie is working incredibly hard at figuring out how her hands work. She likes sucking her fingers and is getting pretty accurate at getting them to her mouth - if she wakes up before her naptime is over, I often come in to find her sucking away on them. 

She has also been figuring out how to reach out, bat at toys, and grab onto them. On the 4th she was able to grab a hold of the skwish (and later the winkle) and move it to her mouth! She was so excited! 

Meghan continues to love dressing up....this picture just cracks me up! She can be such a cheese!! 

Katie had her two month appointment on the 5th - she weighed in at 12.1 lbs and is 23 inches tall! She passed all of her developmental milestone questions and the doctor was incredibly pleased with how well she is growing and progressing! 

On Tuesday night, when she was nine weeks old, Katie slept through the night (10:30-6:00) for the first time! She repeated it four nights in a row (not last night), waking up in the morning sometime between 6:00-6:30. Our "start time" for the day (or when I wake her up if she's not awake) is 6:30 - so I am thrilled! Hopefully last night was a fluke and she continues sleeping through the night again!

We went shopping after the girl's naps/rest one day this week; when I got Meghan up from her rest time and asked her if she wanted to go shopping, she said "Yes! Get chocolate and avocado!" That's my girl!!

Meghan got a baseboard for her Duplos in the mail this week. She was very excited to build with her Duplos and the large mat to create things on! It definitely inspired her creativity. 

Right behind her, Miss Katie was busy with her elephant - knocking him over, grabbing his toys, batting at him, and listening to all the cool sounds he makes. She really is starting to enjoy playing with toys!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Katie at Two Months

  • Taking 4 ounces of formula every 3 hours during the day; one feeding before Mom goes to bed and one middle of the night feeding between 3:00-4:00
  • Still lots of spitting up - but still a happy spitter
  • You are an excellent and excited eater! You recognize the routine of putting on your bib before feeding - if I don't get a bottle in your mouth soon enough after putting the bib on you, you "remind" me what you want with a shrill cry!
  • Still belly sleeping - so cute!!
  • We rock for 5-10 minutes before nap, sing the "I Love You Song", and you rarely cry at all before falling asleep in your crib; generally nap 1.75-2 hours twice a day; the third nap is a bit more difficult and the fourth nap is a catnap in your swing on the first floor
  • Wiggle and move all over the crib during naps!
  • still really enjoy looking out the windows and looking at the black and white book
  • discovered the fan and enjoy watching it 
  • starting to attend to toys in the vicinity when laying on the floor 
  • love floor time and kicking
  • can turn body around while on back - especially if something exciting like the tv or a strong high-contrast pattern is out of sight
  • the social smile has appeared and I love it!! also starting to coo and find your voice
  • Wearing size 3 disposable diapers and no longer using cross-over snaps on cloth diapers 
  • Wearing 3-6 month clothes even when not in cloth
  • Super cute chub on arms and legs! I love the rolls on your thighs and your second chin :)