Monday, October 19, 2015

Our Week :: 10/12 - 10/18

She enjoys using a fork as a brush all the time! It reminds me of the Little Mermaid and how they called a fork a Dinglehopper!

She mastered all of the letters in her name - so we pulled out the whole alphabet! She is enjoying playing on the letters and naming the ones she knows. She points out the "M" first thing each morning!

She has been enjoying this pegging activity recently. She matches the colors and then puts them in the holes - she has figured out that it's harder on the carpet, but she enjoys "powering through."

We did our first Do-A-Dot letters this week - A and B. She was very accurate and now enjoys looking through the book I am putting them in and naming them. She is LOVING art activities more and more these days.

She is with us during worship and has been imitating the motions of those around her - raising arms, clapping hands, swaying, etc. This night we were listening to a worship mix on the chromecast and she was imitating the worship pastor raising his hands. We love seeing her starting to go through the motions that we are praying her heart will come to understand and put meaning behind in the coming years.

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