Monday, August 24, 2015

Our Week :: 8/17-8/23

Just a few pictures of her in her dress last Sunday .... because it was cute! 

She's been standing in her learning tower more and more and for longer periods of time while I am cooking. She will even pull it over and climb in with no help just to be a part of what I am doing. I am starting to see her imitate at her kitchen's stove what she sees me's so cute! She loves to cook for her baby and then feed it in the high chair.

After breakfast a few days ago (which was yogurt, dumped from a tube into a bowl and fed to her with a spoon), she went out to her kitchen, dumped her pretend yogurt into a bowl, and fed it to her baby. I'm so proud - my girl loves to cook :)

On Tuesday Meghan demonstrated some awesome cognitive and social skills: She was cooking in the playroom and I was working in the kitchen when she came out to me, tapped on my leg, signed & said "help", grabbed my finger and walked me out to the playroom, laid down on the floor, and pointed under the hutch where I found her toy tomato had rolled. So many steps to think through and execute - so proud of her!!

She has most definitely mastered sorting manipulatives by color. She's funny because she will take a piece, hold it over the wrong colored cup, say "ohhhhh" or "noooo", and then move it to put it in the correct one. A little bit of her sense of humor starting to show?

A favorite "mama" activity is putting her baby in the bilibo and rocking it back and forth. All while saying "rocka rock" over and over.

Um.....cuteness. Yes. Just cuteness.....

She has been more and more willing to try foods with "dip" on them so we tried her first PB&J sandwich....she really liked the first bite or two and was hesitant about the rest of it.....first PB&J just felt like such a momentous occasion that a photograph was needed!

She continues to love reading and looking at books daily. She is starting to really read the illustrations to herself and can even find books that you request she find. She can also find books based off their spines for favorite titles!

She has taken to wearing her buckets on her head.....I do not understand this. But, if you say "Bucket Head!" while she does it the whole activity ends in riotous laughter.

And lastly, the cross stitch project progress. It's so colorful - I just love that!

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