Thursday, December 24, 2015

Our Weeks :: December 7-23

We have had a pretty calm  last few weeks. We have been busy getting ready for Christmas and just spending some low key time together before the excitement of the holiday weeks. (Christmas, New Years, Mommy's Birthday, Daddy's Birthday - all in less than a month!)

In tooth news - Meghan has broken one molar and one (maybe two) canines in the past few weeks. She has more canines swollen and this round of teething has been very rough on our poor girl.

My Bible study group had a "Christmas Tea" a few weeks ago - Meghan was the sole kiddo at the party and looked adorable in her Christmas outfit! She had a blast getting "nice kisses" from Miss Debbie's labradoodle and the dog they were dog-sitting for the week. She also enjoyed reading the nativity books she knows and playing with tools and animals. Oh- and eating popcorn!

She loves that outfit because it has a "no-man" and a "tutu" - two of her favorite things!!

We had our 20 week ultrasound, and in case you missed the post about it, we're having a girl! Her name is Katie Grace and she's growing perfectly typically!! She's a tiny tike (like sister) weighing in at the 25-29th percentile, but there are no concerns with her at all. 

We have been allowing Meghan to open her gifts from Mommy and Daddy slowly over the course of the month so that Christmas would not be too overwhelming. Now at each family gathering she will just be opening gifts from the people we are with. Following are pictures from her opening her sea plane which she loves to play with in and out of the bath and her dollhouse which has already seen hours of play! 

Some Meghan updates: 
  • She is talking so much these days! Some favorites of Mommy and Daddy include that she will now make "I want __" statements both in response to us asking a question (Are you ready for lunch?) and without prompting. One day, near dinner time, she walked up to me and said "Mommy, I want pancakes." - You'd better believe we had pancakes for dinner that night! Another cute thing is when she's playing with her puppies and babies and calls them "Honey" as in "Oh, come here honey!" etc. 
  • She knows all of her capital letters, all but 2-4 lowercase letters, and almost all of the letter sounds. She loves pointing out letters on our shirts or the environment and stating their sound. 
  • Coloring is still an absolute favorite activity and her strokes are getting very strong and very deliberate. She will tell us something like "color feet" and then color the feet of the animal, etc. She also likes to make "text like" figures and claim she's written her name, Daddy's name, whatever else.... From teaching I know it's incredibly developmentally inappropriate to start teaching her to write her name at such a young age, but it's tempting because of her interest level. I must remind myself that in the long run that would stunt her writing skills not improve them! 
  • "Play me" is one we hear often - she likes to have us out in the playroom with her! 
  • She is sitting still for longer and longer books and multiple books in a row. She loves to read books! Current favorites are her Biscuit treasury, her Eloise Wilkin treasury, We're Going on a Bear Hunt, Hand Hand Fingers Thumb, G is For Goat, and her My First Little House books. 

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