Sunday, August 21, 2016

Our Week :: August 15 - 21

Katie has become very busy scooting! She can wiggle her body sideways and she can also push on her feet to move backwards. In the time it took me to go get her a clean onesie, she moved from the left side of her burp cloths to where she is in this picture - she's so proud!

Beautiful temperatures have begun to return to Kansas! Expect lots of outside pictures in the next few weeks. We have TONS of work that needs done outside right now (literally, tons of mulch need moved in that list...) and Meghan is LOVING all of the playtime and nature exploration time she is getting as a result!

Singing "b-a-n-a-n-a-s" to Katie - except she sings "a-n-a-n-a-n-a-n. go neenahs!" So cute!

This girl is fun. She is pretty. She is strong willed. And she is wonderful.

This girl is starting to master holding onto toys and moving them to her mouth when we help her grasp them. She has also decided that she does not want to be in the pack-n-play during playtime, she wants to be on a quilt on the floor in the middle of all of the action. She has also decided that she does not want to be rocked more than 2-3 minutes before naps; she wants laid in her crib to suck her fingers to sleep by herself. It's been a big week this week!

Meghan has memorized the Baby Lit books that we have. This is her reading them to Daddy (in her bib cape!).

We spent more time outside over the weekend - this time Katie came out with us. She seems to love being outside - as long as she's under a blanket (she hates to be cold) and not in direct sunlight she is completely happy to just sit in her rock-n-play for several hours and look around. She doesn't fuss AT ALL! It's amazing how much the outdoors seem to speak to her just as they do to her Mama and sister.

She noticed that there were five holes in this leaf - just like the Very Hungry Caterpillar at before making a cocoon and becoming a butterfly!

My first picture of them together! I noticed they matched and Meghan was willing to hold Katie finally. SO AWESOME!!

After church, Meghan told me, "Meghan making lunch today, Mommy. Meghan cooking it."

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