Fine Motor:
- She is getting even better at puzzles. She enjoys working on them and is showing interest in cardboard jigsaw puzzles, though they are still difficult.
- She has MASTERED her shape sorter. She can put all the pieces in so quickly.
- She loves her pegging, stacking flowers.
- She loves playing with Dad's dice tower! She can hold several dice in her hands and drop them one at a time into the tower. Such great control!! She also enjoys stacking the dice.
- She continues to love coloring and playing with play-doh.
- She is running!
- She loves wearing her dress up shoes - they are too big, so she just "clomps" around the house in them :)
- She continues to love dancing. (Dancing generally means spinning in circles.) She now knows that the lab where I get blood work every two weeks plays music in the waiting room, as soon as we get to the office she starts asking "Dance?" before we even start heading to the lab area.
- She can go up and down the stairs quickly.
- She loves trying to jump. She does some great squats - but her feet never leave the ground :)
- This kid loves language! She is such a little sponge!!
- She is labeling well over one hundred objects in her world. She does not have all of her speech sounds yet (since they aren't all due until mid-elementary school - no worries!) so many words sound the same. Given some context though, even grandparents, her doctor, nursery workers, etc. can understand what she is trying to communicate.
- She continues to show us knowledge of signs from back when we were watching Baby Signing Time during bottles. She is using signs she did not use then and we haven't watched those moves for at least four months. She knew them, but her fine motor skills are now catching up with her language skills.
- She answers the question "What is your name?" She often recognizes her name in print when it's in all caps.
- She is so sweet when she says "Night night."
- She knows all of her basic 10 colors except brown and grey.
- She knows her eight basic shapes.
- She knows her numbers 0-10. She can count to ten if you help her get 5 and 6 in the correct order.
- She knows the names of several alphabet letters.
- Eating has been great this month! Since the cream/milk combo seems to be doing a good job of ensuring her caloric needs are being met and she is maintaining growth, we have been able to breathe a little bit easier about her eating.
- She continues to do great during breakfast!
- She usually eats her lunch and dinner quickly and happily. Only for a few individual meals (and never whole days) did she offer much protest. This is a wonderful change! We offer her foods, she eats till she's full, and we move on with the day. Ah....this is wonderful!
- She hasn't really changed here - still dealing with the 18 month sleep regression.
- We get her up at 7:00 in the morning and put her to bed around 6:30 pm.
- She likes her afternoon nap - when you ask her if she's ready for nap, she smiles, sweetly starts cooing "nap", and starts climbing the stairs.
Other Updates:
- She looks forward to Daddy coming home. When she is ready for him to come home, she will often clean up her toys (like we do before I expect Dad to be home) and then go to the door and start saying "Dada! Dada!" They usually spend some quality time together right after he gets home.
- She continues to be AMAZING at independent imaginative play. Especially in the last two weeks as my morning sickness has gotten very intense, she has taken to completely being able to entertain herself in the playroom playing with her babies and her kitchen while I rest on the couch during my most difficult time of day. I am so amazed watching her during that time.
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