This week, Baby is the size of a: kidney bean
Sleep: I generally sleep well. I am starting to be able to stay up a bit later in the evenings with Cole. (Though, I also usually sneak a nap in the afternoon.)
Best moment this week: I had my first prenatal appointment this week. Doctor said that the cervix is tightly closed and that my uterus is feeling like it's the correct size and in the correct position - two good signs to point towards a healthy pregnancy! Results of bloodwork and UA will be available in the next few days for more confirmation. And....we are looking forward to our first peek at baby next Monday!!
Movement: apparently baby is moving a lot; just can't feel it yet
Food cravings: steak burrito, chocolate milk, pizza....that's pretty much all I want and all that will stay down. Bland simple carbs? Nope! Those come right back up!
Symptoms: Morning sickness is very difficult but I haven't lost weight this pregnancy, so we are calling it a win and sticking with the current plan for handling morning sickness. I'm super drowsy through the morning as a result of one of the meds I take to help with morning sickness and Meghan has been so great - she allows me to rest most of the first two hours of her morning and plays happily away (spreading her toys throughout the ENTIRE first floor in the process) while I rest on the couch. While it certainly can't be called a "bump" there is certainly a lot of pressure on my waist bands right where baby is - I'm certain I will be showing by the end of the first trimester again.
Milestones: Baby has little fingers and toes starting to make their appearance. Baby is losing it's tail and starting to move around like crazy - just can't wait to feel it!
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