- Taking 4 ounces of formula every 3 hours during the day; one feeding before Mom goes to bed. Sleeping through the night about half of the time! And waking between 3-5 to eat the other half of the time.
- Still lots of spitting up - but still a happy spitter.
- Had a tummy bug at the end of last week. You're super cuddly when sick and seem to be feeling better.
- Still belly sleeping - so cute!!
- We rock for 5-10 minutes before nap, sing the "I Love You Song", and you rarely cry at all before falling asleep in your crib; generally nap 1.75-2 hours three times a day.
- Fourth nap is a catnap if it happens - it's starting to disappear!
- Wiggle and move all over the crib during naps! You've even turned 180 degrees while napping!
- Love watching the fan and the swing.
- Can grab toys and move them to your mouth.
- Can bat at toys to make them make noise.
- Love talking to mom and dad or to your toys.
- Starting to be able to sit up, holding head, while in the jumperoo. Not playing with toys yet.
- Love watching and talking to the monkey on your carseat.
- Starting to giggle and laugh.
- Absolutely love bath time - super splasher!!
- Love sucking on your fingers! You will often spit out your pacifier to suck your fingers instead.
- Wearing size 3 disposable diapers and no longer using cross-over snaps on cloth diapers
- Wearing 6-9 month clothes even when not in cloth
- Super cute chub on arms and legs! I love the rolls on your thighs and your second chin!!
- Your hair stands straight up - Daddy has taken to calling you "Spike" as a result.
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