Friday, October 30, 2015

Baby Hoosier #3 :: Week 14

This week, Baby is the size of a: lemon
Sleep: I am having WEIRD dreams! They aren't usually scary, like they were with Meghan, but man - they are weird and I wake up so confused!
Best moment this week: I haven't thrown up in over a week! I've even had energy a few days!
Movement: apparently baby is moving like crazy right now - I just can't feel it. 
Food cravings: no cravings, really. I can eat mostly anything now. I have to remember to eat every few hours or I start feeling sick to my stomach.  
Symptoms: weird dreams, baby belly - it makes me so happy to be able to see my little one growing (from what I can feel, my uterus is over halfway up my belly button), I'm starting to have to go to the bathroom a lot - baby must like my bladder :), my lower back and sacroiliac joint have been hurting - a friend recommended trying a maternity support belt and one is in the mail! if that doesn't provide as much relief as I'm hoping for we will be heading to the chiropractor
Milestones: The baby now has fingerprints. Its body is growing and becoming more proportional - the head is now only 1/3 of the baby's total length. It's legs are longer than it's arms and it's beginning to practice breathing using the amniotic fluid.

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