The girl has been loving coloring pictures the past few weeks! She looks so big sitting up at the table - when did my baby turn into this child?
Nope! Seeing her stick her tongue out still hasn't gotten old - so proud of her!
She loves "helping" me do laundry - it usually means that I get to chase half of the laundry down as it's spread all throughout the first floor. This week, she chose to focus on wearing Daddy's boxers rather than spreading the clothes throughout the room!
My peony charm came for my necklace - such a special way to remember the baby that we lost. Having this charm on my necklace feels so right. And gives me so much more of a sense of closure.
Meghan's main form of locomotion is quickly becoming walking on her feet! I purchased her some jelly sandals this week to wear when we go out - she LOVES them!
I made the girl some new bibs - they are much longer than her "baby" ones. She loves them and wants to play with them. Notice in the next picture that she's still wearing one and playing with the other two!
I started purchasing some things for her "tot school" curriculum - we plan to homeschool her and have started planning some fun "learning" activities for her during the week - she loves these times of focused play with Mama. I have recently sold a lot of curriculum from when I was teaching that were duplicates of things I had and have used that money to purchase some younger things for her to work on. When the farm math set arrived (farm play mat and farm animals in colors) showed up, she completely freaked out! We immediately HAD to get them out - she made their sounds, played with them on the mat, put them in and out of the container, and just played and smiled! They made her so very happy - and helps me feel even more excited about homeschooling her!!
She has been enjoying working on puzzles. She didn't get the pieces into place, but managed to match them to their pictures. She began clapping for herself and was so proud! The next day, she managed to get the sheep into the board by herself - again, more clapping and cheering!!
The switch happened in the middle of the week and went off without a problem - all baby bottles are gone for this girl! She drinks all of her milk from her big girl water bottle!! I am so proud of her! Now the only baby in the house who still takes a bottle is this one....and she gets given them with so much love!
She had a stuffed husky she was given by Mimsie and Papa before she was born who has been given so much love. So much love that a seam on his back tore and I'm not confident that my ability to repair it matches her ability to love it. So, we decided that it will look awesome sitting on a shelf and I would shop for another one for her - making sure that reviews said it could take lots of intense loving! I found a husky on Amazon and then I found a black lab by the same company which they had named "Cole" - since they were a much better price than I was expecting, I was able to order her both of them for less than I was expecting to pay for one.
They came while she was napping and I put them in her play room where her other husky had been missing for about a week. When she woke up and I put her in her playroom, she froze, looking at them, and smiled HUGE while saying "oof!" over and over. She finally walked to them, scooped them both up, and walked around cuddling both of them close to her. We needed to go run an errand about 15 minutes later and we decided she could take one with her. I held them both out for her to pick one, but over and over she just grabbed both at the same time. She finally ended up picking one when I set them on the floor in separate directions and she had to go get one of them first.
Needless to say, I think she likes her new dogs:
She has added the rooster, pig, and elephant (which I didn't remember to ask her) to her repertoire of animal noises. She doesn't do a great rooster for this video, but it and the pig both crack me up every time she does them! Animal sounds are such a fun way for toddlers to explore all that their voice can do!
I tried to get a good video of her signing, and I got her to do several for me, but then the man across the street started mowing....and that requires all of Meghan's attention.
And, last but not least, here's the progress on the cross stitch project this week. Yes, Mother Goose's head is the next thing I'm doing....if her being headless really bugs you, you can join the club with Cole ;)
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