Fine Motor:
- She is getting better at the shape sorter - it's not independent yet.
- She stacks 5 one-inch blocks to make a tower.
- She can put 2-3 mega bloks together.
- She can do a four shape "ring stacker".
- She puts items into individual muffin cups.
- She continues to LOVE transferring.
- She enjoys lining up her bracelets against the glass door.
- She stacks blocks that make a ball drop and drops the ball through the top hole. She experiments with other balls to see if they will fit.
- She loves giving high fives!
- She can take up to 9 steps independently. She still prefers crawling.
- She walks and jumps on her knees.
- She loves to stand in her learning tower in the kitchen while I cook.
- She loves (and is quick) about climbing the stairs.
- If you put her at the top of a slide, she will lean forward until she starts sliding - she loves that!
- Words (15): wow, yum, ah (all done), hat, eat, uh-oh, boo
- From Before: ball, bye-bye, hi, mom/mama, baba (Dad), book, baby, bottle
- Sounds (7): a sniffing sound for rabbit's sound, "mmm" while eating, "wah" for duck's sound, "mah" for sheep's sound
- From Before: "oof" for a dog's sound, "boo" for a cow's sound, "vmmm" for cars
- Signs (11): hat, no, yes, eat, diaper, wash, phone, please
- From Before: all done, more, milk
- She is still taking 1-2 bottles per day. She is drinking 1-2 bottles worth of milk out of a water bottle instead of her baby bottles!!
- She still loves drinking out of her water bottle.
- She was an excellent eater almost the entire month!!
- She has added an afternoon snack since giving up the 4th bottle and that works really well.
- She is able to bite food off with her front teeth and LOVES biting!!
- Favorites this month: pepperoni, raisins, broccoli, oatmeal, egg casserole
- She wakes up between 6:30-7:00.
- She takes a rest from 8:45-9:30.
- She takes an afternoon nap for 2-3 hours starting at 12:00.
- She goes to bed around 7:00.
Other Updates:
- She thinks it is HILARIOUS to crawl away from us when we are doing a diaper change, getting ready for a bottle, getting ready to read a book, etc. She will giggle as she starts crawling away and just laugh and laugh when we pick her up!
- She is becoming very obedient. Usually when she is doing something she shouldn't, if I say her name and "no no" she will stop. I hope this continues!!
- She loves to push her laundry basket down the hallway and then load her clothes into the washing machine. She thinks it is great fun!
- She has begun demonstrating stranger anxiety again - she has been having a hard time leaving Mama for Bible study or doctor's appointments this month. She still loves talking to people in public as long as mama is nearby, visible, and smiling.
- We started practicing "room time" this month. I put her in her room with some favorite toys, turn on her cd player, tell her it's room time, and she will almost always stay in her room until I come back for her (usually 15-20 minutes). This gives me enough time to get ready or do a few upstairs chores while knowing she is safe. However, if I don't put music on, she won't stay! She definitely associates it with the expectation that she stays in her room.
- She loves to bring us books while we are sitting on the couch and having us pick her up to read. When we are done reading, she gets down, gets another book, and repeats the whole process!
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