Meghan has been super into "school" the last week or two so there are lots of pictures of that this week - which is great timing because we've been under extreme heat advisories and I just don't feel comfortable taking her (and especially not Katie) out when it's this hot. So, we've stayed inside and done lots of puzzling, reading, art and free playing.
She enjoyed working on these three letter word puzzles. She has just been very into puzzles this week and these were a fun twist on your typical jigsaw puzzle.
We set up the jumperoo to have another place to hang toys from so that Katie could play out in the playroom with sister. She has been getting very good at using her hands to grab a hold of hanging toys that she wants to play with. She has also been getting very vocal! (There's a video of her "talking" on my instagram feed!)
It's no secret that Katie is growing, growing, growing but comparing the eleven weeker we have now with her back at one week makes for a pretty incredible comparison! In only ten weeks that itty-bitty-newborn has disappeared and this happy, lively, energetic baby has appeared in her place.
Lacing cards are tough - but this girl is building her concentration and endurance while playing with them. She finds them fun despite their difficulty and a week of practicing with them has definitely showed much improvement.
Bathtime is a very, very favorite time around this house. And, now that I have figured out a method for doing bathtime with both girls in the afternoon so that they both get lots of playtime and Katie gets down for a nap (in the bathroom - it totally works!) when she is ready, we have taken to doing this at least 2-3 days a week. I would gladly do it with them everyday - it's so much fun - but dinner wouldn't get made consistently and these people expect to eat everyday.
I have been trying to actively involve Meghan in my cleaning - she enjoys working on real work and enjoys that "special" time with Mommy. So, I have been giving her cloths to clean with me too. This day, she hung her cloths up on the trampoline handle after "washing" them in her sink. She declared that she was hanging them to dry like Mommy does - and that's how I dry our clothes - outside on the line. She is watching all the time and always learning!
A picture of Katie cuteness, because.....I mean, look at this girl....
We got out the finger paints this week. It had been nearly a year since we had last used them, but Meghan is a messy-sensory-experience-avoider and hasn't been wanting to get her hands messy. But she had SO. MUCH. FUN. She made a "tomato bush in the sky." So much creativity in this little mind!!