Friday, February 19, 2016

Meghan's 2 Year Update

Meghan's interests at two include: sweeping and vacuuming, cleaning surfaces, wearing hair-bows and her necklace, coloring, farm animals & tractors, drumming, all things babies and their care, cooking in her kitchen, cooking in Mommy's kitchen, anything that rolls (including balls), Duplos, dancing, play-doh, doing "school", packing and carrying purses, narrating every moment of the day, helping Daddy bring in the trash or get the mail, reading stories, going shopping, and playing outside with balls or leaves and sticks.

"Vitals" at 2 Years Old: 
Weight: 23 lbs (7th percentile)
Height: 33 inches
Teeth: 14 (2 are close - they keep swelling over and having to re-break the surface)
Clothing Size: moving into 3t (she's got one long torso - but is VERY skinny!)

(the first half of) February at Our Home

Meghan has been obsessed with helping me clean. She's actually starting to be helpful! This day she went around and cleaned all of the chair seats at the table! 

She also loves big boxes - so big bulk purchases coming in the mail are super exciting!

She has started enjoying smoothies with Mommy and Daddy sometimes in the evening. I need to get a video of her saying "smoothie" because it's so cute .... it comes out something like "moof-mie".

During the Super Bowl, I finished the birth sample cross-stitch that I started after our miscarriage. It is now hung and adorable in Katie's nursery!

She has been loving baby doll play and cooking. She has started sometimes bringing her babies not just to their high chair but to hers to feed it :)

As we are heading out to pick up Cole from work: "Go get Daddy! Show Daddy cute bumble bee dress, Mommy?" Even at only (almost) two, this girl loves hearing her Daddy tell her how pretty she is; it matters to her little girl heart. She lights up to hear him tell her she's so cute, so smart, such a good helper, etc! And he is sure she hears it often! 

I LOVE our toy rotation! Two weeks ago, she played with the pieces of her toolbox but didn't know how to manipulate them "appropriately" - she stopped playing with it daily, so out of rotation it went. Brought it back to the shelves yesterday and the first thing she did was put the nails in the side and hammer them in.

29.5 weeks with Katie Grace - we are getting so very excited to meet this little girl!! 

(Yes, I feel huge!)

We cleaned the carpets (removed all the furniture, shampooed, etc.) - Meghan was tucked away in this corner of the kitchen buried behind books and furniture happily chewing away at dinner while we prepped :) 

This girl has been looking to do more focused academic work with Mommy; so today we started some more "formal" (if you can use that word to describe anything with a 2 year old!) school work. She LOVED it!!

We've been having some gorgeous spring like days and we have been taking time to play outside during them as much as possible! She has been enjoying both baseball and basketball!

She's been super busy exploring EVERYTHING while we are outside and it's been really hard to get pictures of her looking at me.... :)

Grass was in her mouth....oops!

January at Our Home

We have been busy - very busy recently and blogging just kind of slipped my here is my attempt to catch up! Some of the highlights of our January .... 

Meghan loves working on "school"!

She has really been enjoying things that roll...she loves to roll any circular object and see if it rolls straight or curves. This day it was a drum stick and a screwdriver.

We bought her a waffle maker with some of her Christmas money. She enjoys helping me make waffles and knew exactly what to do with the toys....right down to the "tssss" sound when the waffle maker first closes.

Helping to clean has also been a new very favorite activity. She enjoys using these wands both to dance with (as they were intended) and to sweep with!

She started working on pegging these shapes according to a picture - it was a very hard concept for her but one she enjoyed working on over and over again anyways.

She has also been really enjoying play-doh.

We've had a few really nice days this winter and we have taken full advantage of the ability to play outside! This girl loves the outdoors and could play out there all day long, I think!
