Friday, March 28, 2014

Napping (!!) and Waking Up

Meghan is anything BUT a great napper! But, when she does nap, it's swaddled and in the swing.

And, when she does nap, she naps for a long time and usually has to be woken up. That looks something like this.....

Our Nursing Story

Nursing has been difficult for us from the start...I have written about that in previous posts. We finally landed in a happy place of me pumping milk and you receiving it in bottles. You are champion bottle drinker and it has been so fun to have other people be able to feed you while also knowing that you were getting the best nutrition possible by drinking my milk! I have been dedicated to ensuring that you get as much milk as possible. I have taken herbal supplements, drank teas, added flax and brewers yeast to my foods, made lactation cookies, etc....anything to strengthen my supply and lengthen the amount of time I would be able to feed you Mama's milk.

But, as six weeks post-postpartum approaches and my body is returning to it's pre-pregnant state, it seems like my hormone "issues" are at it again; just as my hormones in their natural state would have been unable to conceive you, it seems like, in their natural state, they will no longer sustain making your food either. For about the past week, my supply has been increasingly dropping.

Yesterday, the combination of all of my pumping sessions yielded about four bottle for you. Your Daddy and I talked about it and it seems like it's time to move you off of breast milk and on to formula full time. The hours of time spent not holding, cuddling, and playing with you are not worth the small amount of milk that I can produce. Our main goal was to give you milk for the first two weeks - that most critical colostrum nutrition. Then we made it a whole month - I was really hoping to make it all the way to six weeks. We made it to five weeks plus one more feeding...

This morning at 7:45 you were hungry. We went to your room, cuddled up, rocked in your rocking chair, and you drank your last bottle of Mama's milk. You guzzled it down, every drop (you usually leave a little bit in the bottle), all while drifting off into a contented sleep. As I pulled the bottle from your mouth, you smiled a huge smile - as if to say "thank you." I kissed you, placed you in your swing, and walked out.

And I cried - not because I could have done anything differently or tried any harder to provide for you, but because I was disappointed with my body - that I could not continue to give you this gift anymore. I know that even with formula, our feeding times will continue to be sweet times of cuddling together (usually). I know that I gave you everything that I possibly could. I know that God will bless our effort. I know that you will continue to grow strong, smart, and amazing even without my milk for your entire first year.

I am learning that parenting is a continual giving of everything you have and more. I may be completely out of milk for you, little one....but I have plenty of pouring into your life yet to do! Let's play! Let's read! Let's continue living with and loving each other day after day after day!

Meghan LOVES Tummy Time

Meghan loves to be on her tummy. Whenever I lay her that way for tummy time, she doesn't work on holding up her head (she does that JUST FINE when she wants to). Instead, she takes the opportunity to just chill out!

World's Most Accurate Onesie

Talking and Laughing with the Fan

On a particularly difficult day (Monday March 24th) (no naps - lot of screaming), Meghan took a break to talk to and laugh with the cute!!

Finding Her Fingers

Look what happens when not swaddled....

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Across the Midline

On Sunday March 23rd, Meghan tracked Cole's snapping fingers across the midline - yay!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Spontaneous Happy Smiles

On Sunday March 23rd - Meghan smiled several times completely spontaneously and out of happiness. She was looking at the fan (her "Boyfan" as Cole likes to call it) and was cooing and smiling at it.

Now to get her to find us as interesting as an inanimate object on the ceiling :)

Experimenting with Routine

Meghan has started to fall into a kind of routine with her days...there is still a lot of variability and we take it one minute at a time. But, I feel like I can kind of guess when she will need or want what!

She seems to want to eat every three hours throughout the day. She eats for 20-30 minutes, plays for 30-40 minutes, and then I rock her and put her down for a nap. She has napped by herself in the swing with LOUD white noise for two days in a row! I wake her up after 2-2.5 hours - I have noticed that when she takes longer naps she has a harder time falling asleep the next time and she spirals downward until she is so tired that she is screaming and can't be calmed enough to fall asleep.

It's a very loose schedule and never is exact....but it's nice to have an idea of what she needs and when she might need something again!

She has also started sleeping some longer stretches at night - some have been in her swing and some have been in bed with us (because, we just like having her there!). I'm appreciative of starting to get some 4 hour stretches between feedings which works out to 3 hours of sleep!!

Note to future self....this lasted 2 days.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Chillin' on the Couch

We are working on trying to help Meghan sleep comfortably and confidently while not in our for both her morning and afternoon nap, after holding her to sleep for about 45 minutes, I laid her down on the sofa (slightly on her side) to finish her nap. She did GREAT with this process. Her morning nap was 3 hours long (I had to wake her up to eat) and so far she has been asleep for two hours this afternoon.

This may never work again, but I would like to think that we are making strides towards being able to nap in her room without the freak out when she discovers that she is alone.

She is so CUTE!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

First True Spontaneous Smile

Today while Meghan  and I were playing with toys, (where I move them in front of her and she watches wide eyed) I believe she did her first spontaneous smile indicating that she liked something. She has a little monkey that you pull down and it vibrates back up the string - it seems to have caught her funny bone.


One Month Pictures

Not the best pictures today....little miss seems to not be feeling very well. No fever but extra fussy, struggling to stay asleep, and harder to calm than usual. Still SUPER cute!

Dear Meghan - One Month

Dear Meghan,

You're a whole month old today - you have changed our lives completely and we are in love!

You have introduced me to a whole new type of exhausted. You have exposed selfishness in my heart and taught me to rely completely on God for strength when I am beyond tired. But more than that, you have shown me a whole new kind of love - a love that swept over me the minute you were placed naked and screaming on my chest and continues to sweep over me in new waves daily. God made something absolutely amazing when he made you and I cannot begin to comprehend why he would trust such a treasure to me. You are a gift, an amazing blessing, Meghan. Mama and Daddy love you so much. We can't help but praise God for the gift that is you and beg him for the wisdom to raise you and guide you to a relationship with Him who loves you even more than we can fathom.

You gave us quite a scare in your first few days when you lost almost a pound; at that point the doctor recommended supplementing and you took quickly to the bottle. Nursing, despite each of our best efforts, just wasn't working - but you happily drink Mama's milk out of a bottle. You've become a pretty good eater - you take 3 ounces with each bottle and take a bottle every 2-3 hours throughout the day. While the extra steps of pumping, washing, and preparing bottles are less than preferred and I'm bummed we don't have that exclusive nursing time that is all ours, I love that you can share your eating bonding times with your Daddy and your grandparents.

At your two week appointment, you were over eight pounds and at about the 50th percentile for height and weight. You are finally wearing 0-3 month clothes (depending on the brand) - Carters brand fits really well! I love all of your sweet girly outfits and you look adorable in hot pink!

Your weight gain has started producing some cute rolls and baby fat. You have two tiny rolls on your thighs now, full cheeks, and a fairly large second chin - each little bit of fat has been hard won and we are so proud.

Your facial features are adorably delicate. Several people have commented that with your delicate features and beautiful skin, you look like a little porcelain doll. You are a gorgeous baby and wherever we go people comment on just how pretty you are!

Your hair is taking on more of a red color, stands straight up all over your head, and is super soft like duckling feathers right after your baths. You have a lot of hair and I am looking forward to it getting just a bit longer so I can put bows in it!

You are a bit of what is known as a high needs baby - you know what you like and you make sure we know when you aren't getting what you wanted. You like to be held; there's no concern that you don't want to be attached to and bond with your parents. You love to be held while sleeping - you have taken a few naps in you crib, pack-n-play, and side-to-side swing, but mostly you sleep in our arms or in our bed. You made it clear within five minutes of going to bed on your first night that you would not sleep alone. It's a good thing you can't spoil a newborn! We are aware that in a few short weeks/months you will develop more independence and we won't have these hours of just holding you - I constantly remind myself to soak up every minute before you outgrow wanting me this involved in your life!

You make the cutest faces, groans, and squeals when you sleep!

When you sleep in bed with us, you like to be touching face-to-face with me. Several times I have woken up to a getting-hungry baby girl sucking on the tip of my nose! We really enjoy cuddling together as a family first thing in the morning, though we try to put you down in the pack-n-play or your crib for the first stretch of the night to help you feel comfortable by yourself some, as well. If you are good and asleep, you will sleep there for about 3 hours before your first feeding - sometimes.

You love movement and we spend a lot of time bouncing on the exercise ball, walking and bouncing, and patting your bottom. You do not usually accept stand-in moving devices such as the swing or bouncer. You are now willing to sometimes spend 30 minutes stretching and exploring. When rested and calm, you will hang out in your swing. You really like when we put you in the pack-n-play under the fan. You stare at it and talk to it. You have recently begun tracking it's movement with your eyes when we turn it on low speed.

You have started talking quite a bit - it's super cute! You talk most when you are laying under the fan.

You thoroughly enjoy walks in the Ergo carrier outdoors in the breeze. And, you hate your carseat!

You LOVE to be swaddled and are the master of getting your hands free from all swaddling blankets except the Miracle Blanket. You spend a good bit of time wrapped like a little burrito :)

You do not fit into your cloth diapers yet - you are just so tiny! But, you have finally moved out of newborn and into size one diapers. You are very modest and stop fussing as soon as I start putting your clothes back on after a change.

Early on, you screamed every time you had a bowel movement or gas. Now you only cry some of the time. You take gas drops with every bottle, lay on your tummy quite a bit (always supervised), and get lots of tummy massages. I feel so bad for you when we can tell you are fussy because your belly hurts. The upside of all your gassiness are the smile previews we get to see!

You smile spontaneously now which is ADORABLE!! Gassiness gives us previews of even more smiles to come as you get older!

You have a super strong little neck. You have been able to switch which side you are facing while on you belly and roll to the side almost since birth. You like to try to hold your head up when being held upright and usually make it a full 10 seconds or so!

This morning I caught you sucking your left thumb. Will you be a thumb sucker? A lefty? Maybe not - you quickly spit it out with a confused look on your face. You love sucking your pacifier and do a good job holding it in for such a little tyke!

We love you so much, baby girl! You are an absolute blessing!

love, Mama

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Go Kansas City!

Meghan Talking to the Fan

LOVE those sweet little coos that we are starting to hear more and more often!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sunday, March 16, 2014

First Dress & Favorite Toy

Meghan wore her first dress to church today - so cute!

And she has a new favorite toy in the family room....she likes laying in the pack-n-play of sitting in our arms while watching....

Daddy's Sweet Heart

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sleeping in Her Crib!

Meghan slept in her crib, by herself, after every feeding on the night of Thursday May 13th! She slept half of the night there on Friday the 14th! What a big girl!

And Mama is loving the deeper sleep offered when she is not sleeping and holding baby!

I'm Finished!

Meghan puckers her lips whenever she is "all done!" with a bottle. Grandma captured the face!!

She's just so cute when she does it!

Hands and Feet

Mimsie and Papa Visit


We are seeing more and more smiles from Meghan! And, we are loving them!!

Happy Birthday, Papa!

Papa DeLoach got to come and visit Meghan for his birthday....they had fun together and she wore her special "I Love Grandpa" onesie!