Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Baby Hoosier :: Week 24

This week, Baby is the size of a: cantaloupe 
Total weight gain/loss: don't know until next doctor's appointment - which is tomorrow since I have been exposed to strep several times this week and now have a sore throat!
Sleep: I am sleeping so well at night! I think that my body is just ready to crash from carrying around this sweet busy girl all day :) 

Best moment this week: This weekend my paternal grandparents visited us and little Miss Meghan - it was fun to get to talk, watch football, and play card games with them!
Movement: Meghan likes to kick and bounce a lot. Times she is most active...when the music stops at church, anytime I lean over and "squish" her, almost anytime I am sitting still...basically anytime when I am not providing her with motion & noise.
Food cravings: plain yogurt, peanut butter, oatmeal
Symptoms: I am fairly hungry throughout the day which is a nice change - I have not had to take morning sickness meds all week! My rash on my face has gone away and calcium supplements seem to be keeping the charlie horses away. 
Belly Button in or out: still in 
Milestones: While she hasn't let her Daddy feel her kick, he has been able to see her kick - she is quite strong! Sometimes I wish I could peek inside my stomach to see what exactly she is doing...I think she might be a gymnast! 
Here's a picture of the effect this sweet baby girl is having on my figure - she is growing like a little weed and people no longer tiptoe around asking me about the baby - everybody knows that this belly has to be a baby!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Baby Hoosier :: 23 Weeks

Well, I missed my post last week - to be fair, I had a crying-vomiting-migraine. It was a migraine pain I have not experienced in many years. But, here's what week 23 has been like...
This week, Baby is the size of a: grapefruit
Total weight gain/loss: +11 pounds total
Sleep: I have had much more energy the past few weeks which has been so nice. And sleep has been welcome at the end of productive days. I have started getting charlie horses during the night and am working on ways to make those go away. 

Best moment this week: Listening to Meghan's heartbeat at the doctor is just so cool! She is breech and has placenta previa - but that has all been left in God's hands to work out however he wills. On the upside - we will get to have another ultrasound in a few weeks to watch her play, or really, to see if those things have been fixed. 
Movement: Miss Meghan likes to move a lot when I am still, so I usually get to feel her dancing around before I fall asleep - I really like that special time together every night. If she's too busy for me to get to sleep, I can guarantee she will calm down by having Cole put his hand on my belly to feel her moving - she usually just stops! 
(This was true until Friday. Now she moves all the time! She is super busy most of the day!)
Food cravings: plain yogurt, steak, chipotle (which my paras brought me for dinner on bosses day!), peanut butter, hummus - protein just seems to be a theme!
Symptoms: Morning sickness is off and on - in the mornings I lay in bed and wait to see if I'm going to need any medicine to get through the morning - I'm needing it less often! I have a red rash on my face and charlie horses at night - two things which people don't know why they happen, so it just gets blamed on raging hormones. I am trying a new lotion and additional calcium/magnesium supplement in my diet. 
Belly Button in or out: still in, but not much
Milestones: Meghan weighs almost a pound. Her teethbuds are appearing under her gums. And she is gaining strength like crazy!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Baby Hoosier :: 21 Weeks

This week, Baby is the size of a: pomegranate 
Total weight gain/loss: not sure - I will go to the doctor in a week and a half.
Sleep: Meghan has made it quite clear that she is not a fan of the method of sleeping that I finally found worked for me. So, now I am trying using a body pillow to provide the support that I need to sleep comfortably for ALL of us - so far so good.

Best moment this week: Feeling her moving more often has been so much fun - I'm just waiting for it to be hard enough and/or for me to catch it in time for Cole to feel her. 

My good friend, Staci, was cleaning out clothes from her girls and sold me a TON of beautiful clothes (super cheap) for Meghan - cute carters, gymboree, k-state, etc! Her closet is looking good!

Movement: Meghan is becoming much more forceful in her movements - she is gaining strength. For the first time, on Saturday night I was able to feel her moving without concentrating on my stomach! She was hitting/kicking so hard it distracted me from what I was already doing - much more than just the "flutters" of the last few weeks. It's so cool! 
Food cravings: steak, yogurt, and ice cream
Symptoms: still some morning sickness, some shortness of breath, lots of wiggling baby in my belly, muscles are stretching around my belly, my stomach (while always hungry) is able to hold less at one time right now
Belly Button in or out: in, but much less in.
Milestones: She is swallowing lots of fluid now (her ultrasound revealed that her whole digestive/urinary system seems to be doing well with this). She is also developing meconium - her first poop - how cute (note the sarcasm?!?). 

And, here she is. Growing bigger every day!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Baby Hoosier :: 20 Weeks

This week, Baby is the size of a: banana
Total weight gain/loss: 
Sleep: some nights I sleep great, some nights I wake up at random, and this past week there seem to have been several scary nightmares

Best moment this week: 
20 Week Ultrasound was today: Meghan is healthy! Everything looks really good and she wiggles and moves all over the place! That was the coolest thing in the world....especially to see how she crosses her ankles - just like her Mommy!

We have started converting our closet into a family closet; some of the little baby things we have recently picked up were hanging on the bar. Cole, rather absent-mindedly made the same statement I have been making to myself when I walk into the closet "Wow, those are tiny clothes!" Soon and very soon, we will have a little one wearing those tiny clothes! 

While rubbing belly butter/oil on my belly, we were talking about how round my belly is - it just looks like a soccer ball on my stomach! My belly sticks out so much and we are wondering just how far out in front of my body this belly is going to be come February!

Movement: Baby has been quite wiggly - nothing painful or even noticeable when I'm busy, but when I am calm and relaxed it gets to wiggling. I tried putting Cole's hand on my belly to see if he could feel it, but not yet. 
Food cravings: these are getting less intense - but plain yogurt has been amazing this week!
Symptoms: still nauseous, lots of headaches, I can feel the muscles in my belly stretching to accomodate the baby, my hair is so much less oily than before - I only have to wash it every other day, which I love!
Belly Button in or out: still in, but a much less pronounced "in"
Milestones: Meghan's sensory system is developing - the brain is specializing in sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. She is also developing the coating that will protect her skin while floating in amniotic fluid for another 4.5 months!